There are many times when it’s worth the extra effort to send someone a handwritten letter. Are you prepared for such an occasion? When these times come around, you want to be focused on the task at hand; not running multiple errands as you look for the supplies you need.
Fortunately for many cities in the United States, CVS can help. With stores throughout the country (open nights and weekends) and a convenient selection of cards + packaging materials, CVS offers the advantage of getting everything you need in one quick stop. Including stamps!
Does CVS Sell Postage Stamps?
Yes! All CVS stores sell postage stamps at the register. CVS currently sells First-Class Forever stamps in books of 20. First-Class Forever stamps provide enough postage for a 1-ounce standard letter. Because they are Forever Stamps, they won’t decrease in value as postage prices rise (for more information, see our Guide on First Class Postage).
Please keep in mind that most CVS stores do not sell single stamps (or other types of stamps). However, if you’re in the market for a Forever stamp to send your letter, CVS is a great way to stock up.
Buying Stamps at CVS
CVS is one of the largest, most popular pharmacies in the United States. With more than 6,200 locations in 43 states, CVS stores are easy to find and conveniently located. They also have extended hours (some 24/7) and are open on weekends, making them the perfect place to buy stamps when your schedule is hectic.
While most people use CVS to purchase medications and refill prescriptions, CVS offers a variety of other products. Like most drugstores, CVS sells toiletries, cosmetics, seasonal merchandise, greeting cards, non-perishable foods, alcohol, office supplies, and postage stamps. Therefore, if you have more than postage stamps on your shopping list, CVS is a great all-in-one shopping location.
After far as the actual purchasing/buying process is concerned, stamps at CVS are sold at the checkout counter. When you go to checkout, ask your cashier for a book of stamps and they will add it to your checkout total.
What is the Cost of Stamps at CVS?
CVS sells postage stamps for the same price offered at United States Post Offices. The price for a book of 20 First-Class Forever stamps is currently $11.60 (plus tax); however, certain CVS locations sell their booklets at discounted prices. At $0.58 per stamp, buying the discounted book of stamps (compared to a single stamp) can offer a savings of several cents per stamp. Therefore, if you use stamps semi-regularly, purchasing the book can be an excellent investment.
Stamps at CVS Online
CVS Online does not currently offer United States postage stamps for purchase (as of June 2020).
Finding a CVS Store
Want to use CVS to purchase stamps but need help finding the closest location? The following tools can help you find the CVS store nearest you:
- The CVS Store Locator allows you to search for a store based on your address or browse for CVS locations by state.
- The CVS Mobile App is free to download and comes with an easy-to-use store locator.
- The USPS Find Locations tool can be used to find a CVS near you. When you get to the website:
- Enter your city or ZIP code in the provided box.
- Under “Location Types,” select Post Offices and Approved Postal Providers.
- Click “Refine Search” under the Search button.
- In the “Refine Search” dropdown menu, select the square marked “Alternate Locations to Buy Stamps.”
- If desired, alter the “Within” dropdown to change the radius of your search.
- Click the search button. The results will give you a list of nearby locations to purchase stamps, including CVS locations.
Once you find a store near you, purchasing stamps is as easy as heading to the store and checking out!
No CVS near you? No worries! Check out our Where to Buy Stamps Guide for additional locations.