Does Kroger Sell Stamps?

By | May 17, 2020
does kroger sell postage stamps
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One thing we can all agree on- we are busy people. Most of us don’t have time to make a separate trip to the post office (to then stand in line for 20+ minutes) just for a single stamp. Luckily, thanks to Kroger supermarkets, we don’t have to.

Next time you’re doing your weekly grocery shopping at your local Kroger, make sure you remember to pick up your stamps as well! With nearly 3,000 locations nationwide (that are open nights and weekends), Kroger ensures that buying stamps will never be an inconvenience again.

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Does Kroger Sell Postage Stamps?

Yes! Kroger supermarkets sell books of 20 to 100 First-Class Forever Stamps. First-Class Forever stamps provide enough postage for a 1-ounce standard letter. Because they are Forever Stamps, they won’t decrease in value as postage prices rise (for more information, see our Guide on First Class Postage).

Select locations also sell First Class Stamps and Season Stamps in books of 20 to 100 stamps. As the availability of these stamps varies based on location, it is best to call Kroger and ask about their stamp availability prior to visiting the store.

Buying Stamps at Kroger

The Kroger Company, or Kroger, is the second-largest retailer in the United States (behind Walmart). They have nearly 3,000 Kroger supermarkets throughout 42 states. Kroger supermarkets have long hours (some are open 24/7) and are open on weekends, making them the perfect place to buy stamps when your schedule is hectic.

Stamps at Kroger are sold at the checkout and/or customer service counters. When you go to checkout, tell the cashier that you want to purchase postage stamps.

If you think that’s convenient, this next bit is really where Kroger sets itself apart from other retailers. Unlike other retailers that simply sell stamps, Kroger equips all of its cashier stations with scales so that they can help you weigh your package or parcel and calculate how much postage it requires.

Especially when sending an oddly shaped or extra heavy envelope, this added service can provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that your letter won’t be returned because of insufficient postage.

What Will Stamps at Kroger Cost?

Kroger sells postage stamps for the same price offered at United States Post Offices. Because Kroger sells its stamps in booklets, you can actually save money by purchasing a book of stamps at Kroger instead of a single stamp elsewhere.

The price for a book of 20 First-Class Forever stamps is currently $11.60 (plus tax); however, Kroger sells their booklets at discounted prices. At $0.58 per stamp, buying the discounted book of stamps (compared to a single stamp) can offer a savings of several cents per stamp. Therefore, if you use stamps semi-regularly, purchasing the book can be a great investment.

Stamps at Online

Kroger Online ( does not currently offer United States postage stamps for purchase.

Finding a Kroger Location

Ready to head to your nearest Kroger store for all of your stamp buying needs? You can find the nearest Kroger locations at the convenient Kroger Store Locator.

Simply enter your address or enable location services and press search. The locator will provide you with a map of the stores near you, along with their addresses, phone numbers, and hours of operation.

Once you find a store near you, purchasing stamps is as easy as heading to the store and checking out!

No Kroger near you? No worries! Check out our Where to Buy Stamps Guide for more convenient locations.

Category: Buy Stamps
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About Taylor

Taylor Steed is a versatile writer with ten years of experience producing technical reports, educational materials, and informative articles. Check out her other work on LinkedIn

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