How Much Is A Book Of Stamps: If you’ve ever mailed a letter or package, you know that every piece of mail (no matter how big or small) requires postage. A postage stamp, typically placed at the top right corner of an envelope or package, communicates to the postmaster that you have paid the postage required to send your mail to its destination. Without a stamp, your mail will be immediately returned to sender.
However, in the modern age of technological communication, sending letters has begun to go out of style, and many of us no longer keep stamps on hand. Which leads us to the ever-important question: “Where can I get or buy stamps?” There are plenty of places where you can buy stamps these days (for example, in a post office, grocery store, drug store, retail outlet, or on Amazon). You either can buy stamps in bulk (if you are a regular user of postal services) or purchase a few as needed.
When you go to any of the locations mentioned above to buy stamps, you will notice that most places provide the option to buy a book of stamps. Today, we are going to discuss what a book of stamps is and namely, how much a book of stamps costs.
What is a book of stamps?
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of stamp pricing, let us first clarify what a book of stamps is. A book of stamps is a booklet that contains one or more panes of stamps. It typically contains 20 total stamps and is covered in cardboard to protect the stamps from damage.
The most significant benefits to buying a book of stamps are the financial savings and the time savings. If you are planning on sending multiple envelopes or parcels, buying books of stamps (rather than individual stamps) can help minimize your costs and the number of trips you make to the post office. With that in mind, the follow-up question is: “How much does a book of stamps cost? Believe it or not, it is probably less than you think.
What is the cost of a book of stamps?
The cost of a book of stamps is determined by several factors, including the place where it is sold, the mail class of the stamps, and the type of mail that you are sending. If time isn’t of the essence, your best bet is to buy a book of stamps from a local post office, as that will provide the most consistent pricing.
On August 29, 2021, the United States Postal Service (USPS) implemented new postage rates, which brought the price of a First Class Mail postage stamp to $0.58 (a $0.03 increase from previous prices). A book of 20 First Class Mail postage stamps typically costs $11.60, but can be offered at discounted prices based on where it is purchased. In some locations, buying a book of stamps can save you up to $0.06 per stamp!
When purchasing a book of stamps, it is essential to make sure you are buying the correct stamps for your mailing purposes. To understand more about the different types of stamps available for use, please see our guide on “Different Types of Stamps – What to Know.”
In the United States, the Forever Stamp is considered to be one of the most popular books of stamps purchased. One Forever Stamp is sufficient for mailing a standard letter within the United States. A book of Forever Stamps comes in different denominations from books of 20 up to books of 1000s of stamps. Depending on where you look and the more you buy, the more you can save. The best part about stocking up on Forever Stamps? The price savings is only going to increase over the years as the cost of postage increases. Inflation is real, and if you’re savvy, buying stamps in bulk can save you a considerable amount of money in the long run.
Postage stamps have been in use for decades, and they continue to play a pivotal role in our lives. Without a stamp, it is impossible to send a letter or parcel. Now that you know a little bit more about the intricacies of stamps, especially how much a book of stamps costs, it will be much easier to decide if buying stamps one at a time or in bulk makes the most sense for you.
To learn more, check out our guides about “Where to Buy Stamps” and “How Many Stamps Do I Need?”